Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mind Control

As I mentioned earlier this week in my brief recap of OFA, catering to the younger generations was a giant theme of the show. Everything was about trying to be hip and innovative. I also stressed that Social Media was a big part of this forward push. It’s becoming one of the main mediums for companies to market to Generation Y. However, one thing that has been lacking in all of this discussion about Y-ers or Millennials as they are often referred to; why are they so interested in Social Media? It is clear now that the internet and sites like Facebook are more than a passing fad. Companies that took a gamble on marketing in these channels early are now seeing great results, and companies who hung back waiting for the craze to end are now realizing it isn’t a trend or a craze but rather a completely new lifestyle. So in today’s post I want to take a look at why Social Media appeals to Millennials. Looking into these kinds of motives can help us as an industry better understand the best ways to market to them and how to do so on the right channels.
What do Millennials care about? Their whole lives Millennials have grown up with technology. Technology has changed about as fast as they have while growing up. They have seen computers go from the dinosaur of Windows 95 to the upcoming release of Windows 8 this fall. They are true consumers, always finding some way to buy the coolest new products. It still amazes me how people express such a need to get the newest I-Phone model when the one they currently have was purchased less than a year ago. It is through this consumption and the huge costs of college education that Millennials have accumulated lots of debt.
They are also community oriented and have a stronger global presence than any other generation. It has become extremely easy to take an idea and spread it around the world in seconds. For example the first week my blog launched I had views from people in Russia, Spain, The Netherlands, Brazil, The United States, Hong Kong, Japan, and Egypt. I had expected to have a couple page views, but now I am in the thousands. Millennials also care about the environment. They care about the future of the human race but more importantly the future of the planet.  To them knowledge has always been at their fingertips. They can use Google to find the answer to almost any question.
So where does this tie in with Social Media? How does Social Media fill these needs?  For some of these questions the answer is obvious, but let’s thinks about it. Social Media is technology, and is also changing as well. Millennials love it because it doesn’t stay the same. Something is always changing and they have to work to keep up. It’s a challenge that Millennials often complain about; however, they are always waiting for the next big change or the next big social network.
Another reason why both Millennials love Social Media and why you should love it as well is: It’s FREE! There are no sign up fees, no monthly sign up fees, no costs what so ever.  It’s the one thing that they can spend hours a day toying with and customizing that doesn’t cost them any money. It’s a free source of entertainment to them.
Social Media also allows Millennials to access the world. People can now have Facebook friends from any country on the planet. This way every time you log in you see what is happening all around the world. It has allowed for global campaigns and movements. At the same time though it keeps Millennials in touch with what is going on in their own community. It allows them to think global and still buy local.
It caters to their need to be stewards of the environment. Who would have thought computers might be the biggest tools in the green movement. It allows the youth to discuss their green passions. They can discuss best practices, set up organization, and gain thousands of followers in a matter of hours.  Social Media lets Millennials believe they can make a difference in the world. Whether the difference actually happens I question if Millennials would stop. To them the fun is in the fighting for their beliefs.
So when you are developing a strategy to cater to Millennials here are some things to remember. They value new things. They like being trendsetters maybe this means getting new plants or creating new garden designs. They like technology, so how do you incorporate that into your strategy? Maybe a mobile app or a cool software program would be valuable. They want the best value for not only their money but also their time. What is cheap and easy to do? They aren’t a “do it yourself” generation and they aren’t a “do it for me” generation they are a “do it with me” generation. Then think about how you can make your business environmentally friendly. You have to think globally and act locally. Social Media can help you achieve all of these goals if you sit down and plan out a strategy. The consumer generation is coming and we have to be ready for it.
I hope this helps and I hope to hear from you!
Twitter: @mday55
“If the winds of change are coming, I hope it’s mostly dimes. Because quarters would hurt too much.”

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